214-973-1652 [email protected]

Core Fitness Training

Physical fitness is your body’s ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue. That sounds pretty important, right? Core fitness staff will work with you to define your unique fitness goals. Then, our certified trainers will provide you with a fitness program specifically designed for you. Weekly check-ins with staff are offered for accountability and support and re-assessments are done every 4 weeks to assess progress and make changes to your unique program design.

What We Offer

  • Initial 50-minute consultation with Core Fitness staff to identify goals and gather information so that a personalized fitness program can be designed.
  • A personalized fitness plan that offers one month’s worth of exercise routines.
  • Weekly check-ins with Core Fitness staff for accountability and support.
  • Option for at-home workout programs (please see Products and Supplement page).

Contact Us

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Office Location

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Office Info

8765 Stockard Dr. Ste 303, Frisco, TX 75034


M - F : 8am - 8pm
Sat:  9am - 4pm

Contact With Us